10. Because if your student doesn't get into the college of their choice, they may decide to stay home for another year.
9. Because you don't know the difference between George Washington U, Mary Washington U, University of Washington, Washington and Lee U, and Washington U.
8. Because you remember what it was like filling out your own college applications and writing your own essays for the relatively small number of colleges you may have applied to.
7. Because you have no idea how you're going to pay for college and you need advice on financial aid and scholarship opportunities.
6. Because with our years of experience, the process will move along faster and more smoothly, giving you more time for "quality bonding" with your teenager.
5. Because we don't mind being the "bad guy" and nagging your student to get those essays written.
4. Because we can make a potentially overwhelming experience less daunting.
3. Because we can serve as facilitators between your needs and wishes as a parent and your student's hopes and dreams.
2. Because we can give you and your student the individual attention and expertise you both need at this critical time in your lives (and we are accessible evenings and weekends).
1. Because we can help ensure that your student has a variety of schools to choose from where they will be happy and successful!