Our clients come from a wide range of cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds, with varied interests, talents, and academic abilities. The common link is their goal of finding a school that will be a good overall fit, providing them with the skills and tools they need to become successful, confident individuals upon graduation.
Just as someone would never run a marathon without proper preparation, students need adequate time to work on grades, activities, and experiences so they can put their best foot forward when applying to college.
We believe students must create their own opportunities. When they set realistic goals and put an action plan in place to achieve them, they're very likely to have access to the opportunities they seek. Whether students are conscious of it or not, the formal groundwork for the college process begins in ninth grade. The more planning and preparation students do, and the more ownership the students take of the college process, the happier they'll be with the choices they ultimately have.
This is an exciting and challenging time for your family, but it can also be stressful. One of our primary roles is to serve as a facilitator between the goals and expectations of parents and the hopes, dreams, and desires of students. With our assistance, the college process will be less daunting and, ultimately, very rewarding.