- The details of your college application process will be confidential We will respect your privacy and not share your personal/identifying information.
- We abide by the
IECA Principles of Good Practice in all our work.
- We will help you develop a balanced and realistic list of colleges and universities to which you can apply. We recommend a maximum of 10 schools.
- Our top priority is finding a school that is a good fit for you.
- We cannot guarantee your admission to any institution.
- The final decision about where to apply belongs to the student and family.
- We will help you navigate the college application process in such a way that will optimize success and minimize anxiety.
- We will provide guidance and assistance on your essays. We will not write your essays.
- We will be honest and realistic with you. However, the ultimate decisions are yours to make.
- We expect our students to take ownership of this process. “The student should be the driver…we will be the GPS.”
- You are expected to come to meetings prepared; bring the materials we’ve asked you to bring and/or complete the tasks given you in advance.
- We can help you determine what needs to be done and when, but it is your responsibility to meet application deadlines and ensure that all of your application materials have been received.
- Please keep an open mind. We may recommend colleges you've never heard of before.
- Please support your student as they make the first "real adult decision" of their lives - where to attend college.
- The student should be in the driver's seat; the counselor and parents are there to provide support and guidance.
- Please be upfront about any constraints (location, cost, etc.) before we create the list and before finalizing list and filing applications. Do not let your child apply to schools that you will not allow them to attend if admitted.
- Please keep an open mind. We may recommend colleges you've never heard of before.
- Feel free to contact us at any time with questions or concerns. It’s never a bother!